{{- partial "inject/content-before.html" . -}}
<article class="card single">
    {{ if .Params.showTitle | default true }}
        <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
    {{ end }}
    {{ if (.Params.showDate | default true) }}
        <p class="date">
            <span title='{{ i18n "date" }}'> </span>
            {{- partial "date.html" .Date -}}
    {{ end }}
    {{ if and (.Params.toc | default false) (.Site.Params.tocBeforeImage | default false) }}
        {{- partial "toc.html" . -}}
    {{ end }}
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                <img src="{{ .Params.Image }}" alt="{{ .Params.Alt }}" />
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                <img src="{{ .Permalink }}/{{ .Params.Image }}" alt="{{ .Params.Alt }}" />
            {{ end }}
            {{ if .Params.ImageCaption }}
                    <p>{{ .Params.ImageCaption | markdownify }}</p>
            {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ if and (.Params.toc | default false) (not (.Site.Params.tocBeforeImage | default false)) }}
        {{- partial "toc.html" . -}}
    {{ end }}
    <div>{{ .Content }}</div>
{{ if .Params.tags }}
    {{ if not .Site.Params.paperCards }}<hr />{{ end }}
    <p class="articleTagsContainer">
        <span> </span>
        <strong>{{ i18n "tagsColumn" }}</strong>
        {{ range sort .Params.tags }}
                {{ if site.Params.buttonTags | default false }}
                {{ end }}
                href="/tags/{{ . | urlize }}">#{{ . }}</a>
        {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- partial "inject/content-after.html" . -}}
{{ if .Params.showShare | default true }}
    {{- partial "share_on_fediverse.html" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{- partial "commento.html" . -}}
{{- partial "cactus_chat.html" . -}}
{{- partial "related_articles.html" . -}}