# Gravity --- Pet project simulator for interactions between matter built off of OpenGL and C. Goals and features: - [x] Law of gravitation - [x] Object tracing - [ ] Toggle object tracing - [ ] Grid - [ ] Toggle Grid - [ ] File format for importing scenes - [ ] Collision - [ ] Soft-bodies and structures ## Installation Gravity uses CMake as its build automation system. To download and run gravity, please follow these steps: - Clone the repository `git clone https://github.com/0xdeadbeer/gravity` - Create a build directory `mkdir build` - Go into the build directory `cd build` - Generate build files `cmake ..` - Compile project `make all` - Run `./gravity` - Enjoy ## Contributions We highly encourage playing around with the software and contributing to the project. Before opening a pull request, the contributor is expected to open an issue in which they thoroughly describe the issue (or feature) they're solving (or implementing). ## License Gravity is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. See the `LICENSE` file for more information.